Source Naturals D-Ribose is a simple sugar we make in our bodies from glucose that the body uses to make ATP. Every cell in the body uses ATP to make energy. During strenuous exercise, large amounts of ATP, the body’s primary energy-carrying molecule, can be depleted in heart and skeletal muscle cells and supplementation with D-Ribose may support the recovery of ATP to aid health, lifestyle, and levels of fitness.
D-Ribose is commonly used by sports people to support increased skeletal muscle and heart energy (ATP) and also to support muscle relaxation. Found in every cell, d-ribose is an organic compound that is the backbone of human RNA (Ribonucleic acid). Just like DNA, RNA is vital for all human beings. In our mitochondria (cell powerhouse) d-ribose is used to manufacture compounds that are critical to cellular metabolism and energy production (NADH, AMP, ADP, ATP).