Mushroom Blends
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Mushroom Blends",<br />"description":"Are you looking for the perfect blend of Functional Mushrooms to support your health and wellbeing? We have a wide range of traditional and unique Mushroom Blends for targeted support when you need it. Functional Mushrooms can support mental clarity and focus, athletic performance, healthy hormone function, and a robust immune response.",</p>
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<p>Mushroom Blends are specialty formulated mixes of various functional <a href="">Mushrooms Powders</a>. They’re sometimes also blended with other nutrients and herbal extracts to support a specific health and wellbeing goal.</p>
<p>Super mushrooms such as <a href="">Cordyceps</a>, <a href="">Chaga </a>and <a href="">Lion’s Mane</a> (to name a few), have been traditionally used for thousands of years in some parts of the world. Modern research has discovered many special health supporting compounds, and today, functional mushrooms are enjoyed by people all around the world.</p>
<h3>The Benefits of Mushroom Blends:</h3>
<li>Targeted support for your specific health goal</li>
<li>Formulated for effectiveness</li>
<li>Flavoursome blends for tasty drinks</li>
<li>Traditional blends combining mushrooms and herbal extracts that have been used for many years, such as Jing and Qi from the Chinese and Taoist traditions.</li>
<li>Some of the blends contain lesser known super mushrooms such as Maitake and Poria</li>
<h3>How to take Mushroom Blends:</h3>
<p>Mushroom Blends can be taken on their own as a hot or cool drink, or mixed into your cooking, baking, and smoothies. Their versatile nature make them an easy supplement to add to your daily routine.</p>
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