<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Seeds",<br />"description":"As a natural source of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals, you can’t go past our growing collection of Seeds. From seed mix to chia seeds, sunflower seeds and everything in between, we have a range of incredible options for everyday snacking.",</p>
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<p>These tiny superfoods deserve a rightful spot in all our pantries, and for good reason. Not only do they taste great, but they’re perfect for those following a vegan diet and are FODMAP and paleo friendly.</p>
<h3>Why use Seeds?</h3>
<p>From chia seeds rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, to sunflower seeds for added protein and magnesium, our range of Seeds carry massive nutritional benefits for the body. As a great addition to any diet, these nutritional powerhouses also make an excellent snack idea. Better yet, they add a great taste and texture when sprinkled over salads, or when added to baking.</p>
<h3>Need something else?</h3>
<p>Add variety to snack breaks or go-to meal ideas with our entire range of <a href="">Nuts & Seeds</a>. For delicious spreads like almond butter or tahini, we’ve got you covered with our <a href="">Nut & Seed Butters</a>. Our range of <a href="">Nuts </a>are a fantastic option to complement any stir-fry or tray or roasted or steamed vegetables. They’re also a great option over breakfast cereals for added crunch.</p>
<p>Want to experiment in the kitchen? Our <a href="" target="_blank">Tamari Roasted Nuts & Seeds</a> are a perfect snack idea to fuel your day and put a pep in your step.</p>
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