With this collection you can take care of your skin (cuts, grazes, burns, chafing, sunburn etc), indulge in Massage, repel biting insects and revive tired feet. Bee Balm is also great for the prevention and healing of Nappy rash. Application instructions appear on each label.
Please use the following links for individual product info, including directions and ingredients.
バーム ギフト パック 4種類入りx 25g
Tui Bee Balm 赤ちゃん~大人までお使い頂ける、万能バーム
Tui Bug Balm 「シトロネラ精油」をはじめ、蚊が嫌がる精油ブレンド。お肌の弱い方も安心です
Tui Lavender Massage Balm 顔~全身OK。心地良いラベンダーの香り
Tui Foot Balm 足の疲れ、乾燥し固くなった肌を、やさしく保護します
The Tui Balm Gift Pack is an ideal gift covering a wide range of uses.
Consists of :
- a Bee Balm
- a Bug Balm
- a Lavender Massage Balm
- a Foot Balm
All 25gm pottles.