Nutritional imbalance affects many factors such as stress, digestion and immunity. It also affects hair growth. Without a steady supply of nutrients to the scalp, the hair follicle becomes too weak to grow or survive. There are several major nutrients required for hair growth; vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.
Hair-Gro formula contains these nutrients, as well as many others.
L-CYSTEINE: Is found in abundance in healthy protein enriched hair, but is often lacking in balding hair. L-Cysteine is involved with the formation of hair and the maintenance of the hair follicle strength.
BIOTIN: Is a B complex vitamin. Deficiency symptoms of Biotin include dramatic hair loss. This vitamin is active throughout the entire body and is responsible for the growth and maintenance of hair. The recommended daily dose of 300mcg should be increased to 500mcg to promote hair growth. A high dose can also improve dandruff and seborrhoea.
SILICA: The most important mineral required for hair growth because silica is the major constituent of hair.