Digestive Calm & Soothe
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Digestive Calm & Soothe",<br />"description":"Support your digestive comfort and gut health with our extensive range of Digestive Calm & Soothe supplements. Our range includes digestive enzymes, probiotics, and herbal extracts for queasiness, settling the tummy, supporting bile production, and supporting bowel elimination.",</p>
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<p>Most of us have experienced uncomfortable digestion at times – especially during the silly season after big festive meals. For these occasional events, you can prepare to support your digestion: <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/blog/how-to-avoid-belly-discomfort-at-christmas/" target="_blank">How to avoid belly discomfort at Christmas.</a></p>
<p>However, some of us have digestive discomfort on a regular basis and sometimes after every meal. If you would like to support comfort after eating, there are some things that you can do to support this.</p>
<h3>Support digestion with food</h3>
<p>As simple as it sounds, it could be what you are eating or how you’re consuming it that is leading to digestive discomfort.</p>
<li>Coffee, chocolate, spicy foods, and big meals can contribute to indigestion.</li>
<li>Milk products for those who are lactose or casein intolerant will lead to an upset tummy.</li>
<li>Refined sugar can affect the balance of the microbiome, so high sugar snacks and drinks may lead to bloating after meals.</li>
<li>Try to limit snacks after dinner and late at night. During this break from digestion, the body activates its ‘migratory motor complex’ – which is a bit like a big deep clean for your intestines.</li>
<h3>Tips for smooth digestion</h3>
<li>Plenty of fluids daily will support digestion and comfortable elimination.</li>
<li>Soaking your beans and lentils before cooking help reduce gas production.</li>
<li>Chew your food before swallowing – did you know that enzymes in your saliva get to work digesting straight away?</li>
<li>Give your body some time to rest while eating and just afterwards to support digestion.</li>
<p>Feeling like you need a kick start? Why not try a <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/digestion-detox/detox-body-cleanse/">Detox & Body Cleanse</a> for a digestive system clean up.</p>
<h3>Supplements for a settled stomach</h3>
<p>There are so many processes involved in digestion, starting from the teeth chewing your meals – right to the final elimination via the bowel.</p>
<li>If you’re feeling queasy, try a ginger supplement, or a bit of sliced ginger steeped in hot water.</li>
<li>To support stomach acid, try a dash of apple cider vinegar in warm water about 30 minutes before your main meals, or a supplement containing betaine hydrochloric acid.</li>
<li>To support the pancreatic enzymes after a large rich meal, try some digestive enzymes with your meal.</li>
<li>To support your body’s release of bile (the substance that your body uses to break down fats), try a herbal extract containing ‘bitters herbs’ before your meal. The bitter taste supports the gall bladder to release bile in preparation for digestion. Add in some extra <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/digestion-detox/liver-support/">Liver Support. </a></li>
<li>For digestive discomfort try a herbal extract containing chamomile or marshmallow. Chamomile is a favourite for calming kid’s tummies.</li>
<li>If you are feeling a bit backed up, try some slippery elm or fibre to support healthy elimination. For more options, see our <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/digestion-detox/bowel-motion-support/">Bowel Motion Support range</a>.</li>
<h3>The best supplements for gut health</h3>
<p>We have a wide range of supplements and products to support <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/digestion-detox/">Digestion & Detox.</a> These come in many forms, to suit your preference, and needs. See our range <a href="https://www.healthpost.co.nz/health-concerns/">Health Concerns</a> for helpful tips that you can use to support your health and wellbeing journey.</p>
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