Ingredients Glossary
Our glossary gives you information on popular ingredients used in natural health and skincare products.

"title":"Ingredients Glossary",
"topContent":"Our glossary gives you information on popular ingredients used in natural health and skincare products.",
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"Antioxidant rich berries",
"Nutrient dense superfood",
"Support for positive ageing"
"information":"Acai berries are a magnificent superfood, packed full of a wide variety of nutrients. These nutrients support natural eye and brain health, healthy skin ageing and support the body's defenses and immune response."
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"title":"Aloe Vera",
"Support for healthy bowel movements",
"Soothing effect on digestive membranes",
"Skin cell renewal and hydration"
"information":"Aloe Vera is most known for its clear juice or inner gel that is found inside the leaves. It has been used for more than 2,000 years both topically and orally. Aloe vera supports healthy function and integrity of tissues both inside and outside the body."
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"title":"Amino Acids",
"Taken to support muscle growth",
"Part of important metabolic processes",
"Used by the body to make our 'happy hormones'"
"information":"Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins - they make up a large portion of our muscles and body tissues. They support important metabolic processes in the human body."
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"Protection from damage caused by free radicals",
"Support for healthy aging",
"Immune system support"
"information":"Antioxidants are compounds that protect us from oxidative damage. Ideally, we obtain dietary antioxidants from the food we eat. There are times however, when we may need to take an antioxidant supplement."
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"title":"Apple Cider Vinegar",
"Made from naturally fermented apple juice",
"High in antioxidant polyphenols",
"Good source of pectin and malic acid"
"information":"Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is made from the fermented juice of crushed apples. It is popular as tasty daily beverage that can support the healthy function of our body. It contains vitamins and beneficial plant nutrients, including polyphenols, pectin and malic acid."
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"Rich in essential fatty acids",
"High antioxidant content, including Vitamin E",
"Popular ingredient in natural skincare"
"information":"Avocado is prized due its high content of nutritious essential fatty acids and Vitamin E. Extracts from both the fruit and oil are used as culinary oils as well as ingredients in natural beauty products."
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"High in beneficial plant pigments",
"Supports brain function and blood circulation",
"Popular superfood"
"information":"Beets - they're hard to beat for boosting overall health, including cardiovascular health, stamina and the immune system. A praised superfood, beetroot is a powerhouse of natural plant nutrients supportive of overall health."
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"Natural highly absorbent clay",
"Taken orally for detoxification",
"Popular ingredient in purifying skincare products"
"information":"Bentonite is a natural, mineral rich clay. It is used both internally in supplement form and topically in skincare products. The physical structure of the aluminum phyllosilicate clay, which is sourced from volcanic ash, makes it highly absorbent."
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"title":"Black Cohosh",
"Used for female hormonal balance",
"Support for menopause",
"Support for pre-menstrual period"
"information":"Black cohosh, botanical name Cimcifuga racemosa, is a traditional Native American herb used for female hormonal health. It was widely adopted by European colonial settlers and has become popular throughout the world."
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"title":"Black Currant",
"High in antioxidants",
"Supports eye health",
"Supports healthy muscle performance and recovery"
"information":"The black currant plant is a woody shrub best known for its small, tart tasting fruit that are loaded with a multitude of nutrients. A fantastic source of vitamin C and potent antioxidants, black currants."
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"High in protective antioxidants",
"High in plant anthocyanins",
"Both leaves and berries are used"
"information":"The berries of the blackberry plant are significantly high in antioxidants, including Vitamin C, A, and Beta-carotene as well as many beneficial polyphenols, including anthocyanins which give the berries their distinctive, rich purple-black colour."
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"High in antioxidants",
"Low in calories",
"Supports cognition and brain function"
"information":"Blueberries are often referred to as a 'superfood' because they have one of the highest rankings of antioxidants and nutrient density compared to other foods."
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"Supports detoxification",
"Supports a healthy pH level",
"Natural plant pigment"
"information":"Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring plant pigment contained within all green plants. Chlorophyll is present in spirulina, chlorella, barley grass and other plant based green supplements, available in powders, capsules and tablets."
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"title":"Coconut Oil",
"Moisturising and soothing",
"Contains beneficial lauric and caprylic acids",
"Popular cooking ingredient"
"information":"Coconut oil is high in lauric and caprylic acids which have many health benefits. Renowned for its smooth consistency and flavour, coconut oil contains saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids."
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"title":"Coenzyme Q10",
"Potent fat soluble antioxidant",
"Supports cardiovascular health",
"Energy production"
"information":"Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a nutrient that occurs naturally in our bodies. It is responsible for providing energy to our mitochondria, the energy powerhouse of our cells."
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"Supports healing of gut lining",
"Strengthens skin, hair and nails",
"Maintains cartilage and ligaments in joints"
"information":"Collagen is a structural protein of connective tissue and is the most abundant protein in the body, vital for many biological processes. It literately holds our body together, acting as a glue- giving strength to connective tissue."
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"Rich source of antioxidants",
"Supports urinary and bladder health",
"Supports immune health"
"information":"Cranberries are a great source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, manganese and vitamin E. Cranberries play an important role in supporting the health of the urinary tract and the health of the bladder."
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"Supports detoxification",
"Helps to support and regulate bowels",
"Support healthy kidney function"
"information":"Dandelion is a common herb found in gardens, with jagged, hairless leaves and a yellow flower head on a single hollow stem. The leaves are rich in minerals including potassium, magnesium and zinc and contain good amounts of vitamin A."
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"title":"Deer Velvet",
"Supports immune and joint function",
"Contains high levels of minerals, chondroitin and collagen",
"Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for over 2,000 years"
"information":"Deer Velvet is the velvety new growth of soft bone and cartilage that develops into the antlers of male deer. Traditionally used as a health tonic and aphrodisiac, deer velvet has been highly valued for over 2000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)."
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"Supports healthy bladder and urinary tract",
"Extracted from cranberries",
"For immediate and long term support"
"information":"D-mannose is found in many fruits, especially berries with the highest levels found in cranberries. Concentrated d-mannose extracts are a popular supplement for women to provide support for the entire urinary system and compliment the body's natural cleansing process."
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"Supports a strong immune system",
"Supports fast recovery",
"Helpful in times of ills and chills"
"information":"Echinacea or Coneflower is a household name when it comes to ills and chills. It’s well know for its ability to support the immune system and can help get you on the road to a quick recovery while supporting immune defenses."
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"Supports clean airways for comfortable breathing",
"Natural insect repellant",
"Popular aromatic essential oil"
"information":"The Eucalyptus tree is an evergreen tree that is native to Australia. Its leaves are packed with oil glands which produce the aromatic oil, which gives it the distinctive and refreshing eucalyptus scent."
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"Supports healthy bowel movements",
"Helps with cholesterol balance",
"Important for detoxification"
"information":"Fibre is found in the cell walls of edible plants. Fibre is often resistant to digestion and absorption in the colon. This helps to support healthy bowel function and regularity. It is also important for healthy detoxification."
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"Nutrient dense superfood",
"Source of fibre for bowel health",
"High in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids."
"information":"Flaxseed, also known as linseed, has achieved its well-deserved 'superfood' status thanks to it's high levels of nutrients and versatility."
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"Support joint health",
"Supports gut health",
"Supports healthy ageing and skin firmness"
"information":"Gelatin is an animal protein made from collagen, the most abundant protein in our bodies. It is found almost everywhere in the body, particularly in our connective tissue, including, skin, hair, nails, joints and the lining of the digestive tract."
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"Supports digestion and feelings of nausea",
"Warming for cold hands and feet",
"Supports healthy joints"
"information":"Closely related to turmeric and cardamom, ginger is a flowering plant native to Southeast Asia. The rhizome of the plant is widely used as a spice to flavour meals."
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"Provides joint support",
"Supports maintenance and repair of cartilage",
"Supports joint mobility"
"information":"Glucosamine is a natural constituent of healthy cartilage and synovial fluid in the joints. Our bodies use glucosamine to build and repair cartilage, tendons, ligaments, synovial fluid and other tissues."
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"title":"Grape Seed",
"High in antioxidants",
"Supports blood vessel, cardiovascular, brain and eye health",
"Supports youthful skin"
"information":"Grape Seed is rich in antioxidant nutrients, including vitamins E, C, A, fatty acids, plant sterols and phytonutrients. Grape seed can support the body's normal, healthy response to oxidative damage, influenced by age and lifestyle related factors."
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"title":"Green Tea",
"Contains highly concentrated antioxidant polyphenols"
"information":"Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) has been well-known in Chinese culture for over 4,000 years. It is a popular ingredient in natural health foods, supplements, skin care products, and is rich in antioxidants. Green tea helps support cardiovascular health, brain function and healthy weight management."
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"High in omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids",
"Plant based source of protein"
"information":"Hemp has an enormously high nutritional value. It is particularly rich in essential fatty acids, predominantly polyunsaturated fats (omega 3, 6 and 9) and smaller amounts of monounsaturated and saturated fats."
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"title":"Hyaluronic Acid",
"Supports skin hydration",
"Supports joint and eye lubrication",
"Helps to maintain a youthful apperance"
"information":"Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body. Although we produce hyaluronic acid naturally, our ability to do so declines as we age."
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"Supports skin and urinary health",
"Rich in minerals, including silicon and iron",
"Supports a healthy prostate"
"information":"Nettle is an herbaceous, leafy plant that grows wild in in temperate and tropical regions worldwide. Nettle is very nutrient dense - it contains lots of vitamins and minerals."
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"title":"Olive Leaf Extract",
"High in beneficial plant polyphenols",
"Supports immune response to infections",
"Helps to maintain cardiovascular health"
"information":"Olive leaf contains high concentrations of beneficial plant polyphenols and antioxidants. It has many uses - it is most popularly used to support the body's natural immune defenses."
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"Support for healthy levels of sex hormones",
"High in zinc",
"Taken for male vitality, vigour and stamina"
"information":"Oysters are a species of soft bodied marine shellfish, from the same family as mussels, scallops and clams. They are an excellent source of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as copper, calcium, selenium, vitamin A and vitamin B12."
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"Supports immune fuctions",
"Potent antioxidant",
"information":"Propolis is a natural substance that is made by bees. It is high in flavonoids and has potent antioxidant properties."
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"Essential macronutrient",
"For muscle growth and repair",
"Available in powders and bars"
"information":"Protein, much like water, is essential to sustain life. It is used by the body to build, maintain, and repair tissue, as well as to synthesise hormones, enzymes, and antibodies."
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"title":"Rosehip Oil",
"High in vitamin C",
"Contains omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids",
"Popular in anti-ageing skincare"
"information":"Extracted from the fruit of the rose plant, rosehip oil is rich in nutrients. Both rosehip oil and the dried fruit powder are used in natural health supplements and skin care products."
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"Positive mood support",
"Cognitive support",
"Healthy menstrual cycles"
"information":"Saffron is a spice that comes from a beautiful, hardy little plant called Crocus sativus, also known as Red Gold in its countries of origin. It displays purple flowers that contain three bright red threadlike stigmas."
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"Contains sennosides - special plant nutrients that support bowel movement",
"One of the most popular natural options for bowel evacuation support",
"Helps with healthy bowel regularity"
"information":"Senna leaf is one of most well-known and widely used herbs to support healthy bowel evacuation. The scientific name is Cassia angustifolia."
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"Nature's superfood multivitamin",
"Plant based source of iron",
"Source of naturally occurring B vitamins"
"information":"Spirulina is one of the most well-known superfoods. Also know as blue-green algae, this microscopic and wonderful organism is actually classified as a bacteria (cyanobacteria) and is believed to have existed on earth since the beginning of time."
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"title":"St Johns Wort",
"Normal mood balance",
"Nourishes the nervous system in times of stress",
"Assists healthy recovery of the nerves"
"information":"St John's Wort is a well known herb which can be used support a healthy mood and nervous system. It can be used to help support the body during times of stress and tension, and used topically it can also help to support healthy nerve recovery."
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"title":"Tea Tree Oil",
"Great antiseptic support for cuts and wounds",
"Antibacterial relief for spots and blemishes",
"Multiple uses in the home"
"information":"Tea tree oil is a tremendously versatile product that is used in natural health products, skincare, and as essential oils. Commonly found in skincare products, tea tree oil can help support spots and blemishes, provides antiseptic support for cuts and grazes, and can also be used as a natural insect repellent."
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"Antioxidant rich",
"Supports healthy liver and digestion",
"Great for normal inflammatory responses"
"information":"The bright yellow spice has been used for centuries through India and is one of the oldest plants to be thought of as a natural remedy, supporting many parts of the body. Curcumin, one of the active constituents, is a powerful plant chemical that can support brain health, mood, and joints."
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"Supports a good night's sleep",
"Helps a happy mood and eases worries",
"Useful during times of stress"
"information":"Valerian is an herb that is widely known for its ability to support natural sleeping patterns and to assist with a healthy mood balance. Available in a wide range of forms to suit a variety of needs, valerian is available in tablets, capsules, drops, tinctures or teas."