Kelp is a seaweed ranging in colour from olive-green to yellow-brown. Unlike plants that grow on land that are dependent on the quality and mineral content of the soil for their nutrients, kelp absorbs its nutrients from the sea water and ocean bed. Another advantage of growing in sea water is that the mineral content is constantly being renewed.
Kelp contains every known mineral and trace mineral necessary for human life as well as vitamins and amino acids, all of which are absorbed by the growing plant.
Used for centuries, particularly by the Chinese, Kelp is a rich source of natural iodine, essential for the production of the thyroid hormones and normal thyroid function.
Because it is rich in calcium, sulphur and silicon, kelp helps produce strong fingernails, strong healthy hair and clear skin.
Algin is a substance found in Kelp able to absorb large quantities of water and pull out intestinal
toxins and heavy metals so they can be removed from the body.