Amazing Oils Magnesium Baby Towelettes can assist with:
- Muscular cramps and soreness
- Irritability and restlessness
- Sleep
- Supporting bone health
- Increasing magnesium levels
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. Required for 1200 out of 1600 bodily functions.
Only 1% of your magnesium is found in the blood, the remainder is found in bones and cells.
As Magnesium can assist in creating energy in the body, it's best to use only on the lower body at night for relaxation and sleep (anywhere, as needed during the day).
Magnesium chloride is easily assimilated and metabolised in the human body.
The modern diet, with an overabundance of refined grains, processed foods and sugars, contains very little Magnesium.
Formulated for 3 month old infants to 5 year old children.