Face Serum
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Face Serum",<br />"description":"A serum is a potent and deep-penetrating product that contains molecules smaller than those found in a moisturiser, so it’s able to penetrate the skin layers more deeply to deliver a very high concentration of active ingredients. That’s why serums are a great tool for targeting specific skincare issues, such as dryness, dullness, acne and ageing skin.",</p>
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<p>Using a serum regularly can give your skin a firm, smoother texture, make pores appear smaller and increase moisture levels. Serums don’t replace moisturisers – they’re just another tool in your skincare arsenal. Afterall, you can’t have too many antioxidants in your regime! Serums don’t contain the rich, creamy thickeners of moisturisers which help to create a barrier on top of the skin to prevent moisture loss, nor do they have sunscreen as your daytime moisturiser might, so don’t ditch your moisturiser! Instead, using a serum as well as a moisturiser offers a double-pronged approach to improving the skin.</p>
<h3>How to use a serum</h3>
<p>Use a few drops of serum on clean skin in the morning before you moisturise or apply eye cream to help protect the skin from pollution and other free radicals you’re faced with during the day. At night, apply another layer of serum after cleansing and toning the skin and before applying moisturiser.</p>
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