Natural Mouthwash
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Mouthwash",<br />"description":"Looking after our oral hygiene is an important part of our daily personal care regime, and using a good mouthwash can play an important role in ensuring our teeth and gums are kept in tip top shape. Mouthwash helps to eliminate harmful bugs and assists in toning and soothing gums. Our range of natural mouthwash products include numerous herbs and minerals to support good oral hygiene.",</p>
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<p>Natural oral care products are surging in popularity, as people turn away from the toxic chemicals that fill many commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes and look to safer alternatives. Many mainstream products contain extremely high levels of alcohol alongside potentially harmful ingredients such as triclosan and irritant foaming agents including sodium lauryl sulfate.</p>
<h3>Natural Mouthwash Benefits</h3>
<p>Thankfully, many safe <a href="">natural toothpastes</a> and mouthwashes are available as alternatives, rich in herbal extracts known to support healthy oral flora and mucosa and maintain strong teeth and gums, lowering inflammation and tightening gums.</p>
<p>Try <strong>Weleda Ratanhia mouthwash</strong>, rich in traditional astringent herbs to soothe and tone gums, or <strong>Kiwiherb Manuka Mouthwash</strong>, containing New Zealand natives manuka and tanekaha for a high-potency burst of cleaning power. Numerous mouth sprays are also available in our range, for fresh breath and clean teeth no matter where you are.</p>
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