Rosehip Oil
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Rosehip Oil For Face & Skin",<br />"description":"Recent years have seen something of a revolution when it comes to nourishing our skin with nutrient-dense plant oils. Rosehip oil has led the charge from early on, providing a pure hit of vitamins and moisture for all skin types. </p>
<p>HealthPost carries a carefully selected range of rosehip oil products – one of the purest natural skin care products available.",</p>
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<p>Sourced from cold-pressed rosehips, the oil is rich in <a href="">antioxidants</a>, <a href="">essential fatty acids</a> including GLA and oleic acid, and vitamins C, E, D and beta-carotene. It has been used throughout history for a variety of skin ailments, and due to its high nutrient content may support skin regeneration, help fight free radical damage, and support the skin in appearing more youthful.</p>
<p>The oil can be used on its own, even on oily <a href="" target="_blank">skin types</a>, or in combination with other ingredients. Because it is classed as a ‘dry oil’ it absorbs quickly without leaving oily residue. Products available range from pure organic oils such as those from Trilogy and Sukin which can be used on their own as part of your skincare routine, through to eye creams, lip balms and skincare packs.</p>
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