Natural SPF for Face
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Natural Sunscreen for Face",<br />"description":"Take care of your skin with our natural range of SPF face creams. Protect against UVA/UVB rays every day naturally with no nasty chemicals and no animal testing either. Just good ingredients. Promise.",</p>
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<p>Using a natural SPF moisturiser daily may protect your face from sun-ageing effects while also hydrating and conditioning your skin. You can easily make it part of your morning routine by massaging on your face before applying your makeup, to protect against free radical damage throughout your day.<strong><br /><br /></strong>Thanks to our <a href="">Better Choices Promise</a>, our range of natural SPF face creams are free of any harsh chemicals, environmental pollutants and are free from animal testing too. Using natural active mineral ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, our SPF face creams provide immediate broad-spectrum protection and work immediately on application. They are also packed with powerful antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, and nourishing oils like rosehip, jojoba and sweet almond, which are known to support skin repair and renewal. For those who want extra coverage, without using makeup or clogging pores, try our range of tinted SPF or CC creams, to protect skin as well as provide a healthy, flawless finish.</p>
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