Alpha Lipoic Acid
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Alpha Lipoic Acid",<br />"description":"<span>Alpha Lipoic Acid is called the ‘universal’ antioxidant and is found in a wide variety of foods. Its primary function is as a free radical scavenger, helping normalise oxidative stress throughout the body, including the brain. </span><span>Alpha Lipoic Acid helps maintain cellular and tissue health.</span>",</p>
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<p>Alpha Lipoic Acid is called the ‘universal’ antioxidant and is found in a wide variety of foods.</p>
<p>Its primary function is as a free radical scavenger, helping normalise oxidative stress throughout the body, including the brain. In addition, alpha lipoic acid helps recycle other important antioxidants, extending their protective action in the body.</p>
<p>This versatile water and fat soluble compound also supports normal glucose metabolism and its conversion into energy. Alpha lipoic acid is sometimes abbreviated to ALA but is not to be confused with alpha linolenic acid (ALA), the plant form of omega 3 fatty acid.</p>
<h3>Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits</h3>
<p>Alpha Lipoic Acid helps maintain cellular and tissue health. In particular blood glucose levels, vascular conditions, eye, nerve and immune function are all supported by its action. Studies show it is effective in cases of diabetic neuropathy.</p>
<p>Alpha lipoic acid is a valuable supplement for people regularly exposed to toxic chemicals and other oxidative stressors, and for sports people due to its beneficial effect on glucose metabolism and energy production.</p>
<h3>Alpha Lipoic Acid Side Effects and Contraindications</h3>
<p>No adverse effects have been reported. No studies have been done to establish supplement safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contraindicated during radiation therapy and some forms of chemotherapy. Caution advised for people using insulin or thyroid medication – consult your health practitioner. Protein and B vitamin supplementation is recommended with long term use.</p>
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