<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Multiminerals",<br />"description":"Essential for our health, minerals are needed for nearly every cell and function in the human body! Stay on top of your mineral needs and support your overall wellbeing with our wide range of multiminerals.",</p>
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<p>Minerals often work in a team and are not only vital for healthy cell function, but also to support strong body tissues like bones and teeth and to keep up fluid balance within the body. Our bodies don’t make minerals, which is why it is good to be mindful to get enough of them through a nutritious diet. Sometimes, supplementing with multiminerals offer an easy way to stay on top of our mineral needs and to look after our health.</p>
<p>One of the more well known minerals is <a href="">zinc</a>. It’s needed for healthy immune system function and works very well in a team with vitamin C or <a href="">colloidal silver</a> to help fight ills and chills. Zinc is also beneficial to assist skin healing and to maintain healthy body membranes, including the gut lining and respiratory tissue.</p>
<p><a href="">Chromium</a> is another mineral well known to support balanced blood sugar levels and can also help with sugar cravings and weight management.</p>
<p>The minerals magnesium and calcium are also very important for our total health and wellbeing. Magnesium is involved in over 300 cellular functions in the body, and along with calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth.</p>
<p>Multimineral supplements support our health in many ways. Along with a healthy diet, you can get your mineral needs through concentrated drops that can be added to your water or in form of electrolytes when exercising. Your body will thank you for it!</p>
<p>Busy lives and digestive issues can prove challenging to stay on top of our mineral requirements. Help is at hand with our range of multimineral supplements, carefully selected by our <a href="">Better Choice Promise</a>, and free from any hidden nasties.</p>
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