Ginkgo Biloba
<p>{<br />"top_banner":{<br />"title":"Ginkgo Biloba",<br />"description":"Ginkgo biloba, otherwise known as the Maidenhair tree, is a fascinating tree – in that they live for at least 1000 years! Ginkgo is known by its characteristic leaf shape and pungent smelling fruit. It has a very long history supporting the health of the circulatory system and brain function",</p>
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<p>Ginkgo biloba (sometimes spelled Gingko) is a unique plant species having no close relatives and is one of the oldest known plants used in traditional health modalities. Ginkgo trees can live to at least 1000 years old and there are claims of some living 2500 years. Their use in Traditional Chinese Healthcare goes back several thousand years.</p>
<p>The distinctive leaves of Ginkgo biloba, with high levels of antioxidant flavonoids and terpenoids, are the parts of the plant used to support health.</p>
<h3>The Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba</h3>
<p>Ginkgo is primarily known as a circulatory tonic, antioxidant, and to support mental clarity and focus. Ginkgo supports healthy blood flow to the brain and right throughout the body – ensuring that richly oxygenated blood makes it to all the cells and organs.</p>
<li>Ginkgo is popular for use at times of increased pressure, such as exams and deadlines. For added support in the short term, consider a <a href="">Ginseng </a>supplement for healthy mental clarity and focus.</li>
<li>Ginkgo supports the body’s healthy response to stress and can be an ally when under pressure or experiencing tiredness.</li>
<li>Ginkgo may support inner ear health, in relation to physical balance and ear ringing.</li>
<li>It was traditionally used to support a healthy aging process and can support mental clarity and focus.</li>
<li><a href="">Protect Your Eyes Naturally</a> with a Ginkgo supplement.</li>
<p>Ginkgo biloba supplements are a part of the <a href="">Specialty Supplements</a> range here at HealthPost.</p>
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