Pau D’Arco bark comes from a tree that grows primarily in Argentina and Brazil. The tree is known as taheebo. Unlike other trees in its midst, pau d’arco does not develop fungus growth. It contains a chemical called lapachol, which may account for the herb’s traditional use in strengthening and supporting the immune system.
Pau d’arco also has been used traditionally to maintain a healthy circulatory system.
Native peoples in Central and South America reportedly use pau d’arco bark to treat lupus, infectious diseases, wounds, and many other health conditions. Caribbean folk healers use the leaf of this tree in addition to the bark for the treatment of backache, toothache, sexually transmitted diseases, and as an aphrodisiac.
Pau D’Arco is known for its powerful antibiotic, virus killing properties which attack the cause of disease. It is used for all skin diseases.
Dozens of different species of pau d`arco exist, each distinguished by its leaf configuration and
flower colour. The tree providing the most health benefits is the pink-flowered Tabebuia
heptaphylla , which grows mainly in Argentina. This is the only kind of pau d`arco Nature ’s
Sunshine offers, because we demand only the best for our customers.