Slippery elm (ulmus fulva), is a tree which can grow up to eighteen metres in height. It is the inner bark of the tree which is powdered for use. It was traditionally used by American Indian tribes and this was adopted by settlers.
The effects of Slippery elm are due to the abundance of mucilage containing cells, surrounding each fibre of the bark. When the powdered bark comes into contact with water, the mucilage cells swell enormously and thus produce a lubricating demulcent, emollient and or laxative effect.
The ideal supplement for any inflamed irritated condition of the gastro-intestinal tract due to it’s soothing, demulcent properties.
Perfectly suited to sensitive mucous membranes and linings in the digestive system eg. ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, colitis, constipation etc.
It contains high levels of nutrients such as vitamins E, iron, sodium, calcium, selenium, iodine, copper, potassium, zinc and phosphorous, making it a nourishing supplement for those convalescing.
It is very easily digested, assimilated and eliminated, so therefore is good for the elderly.
It eases constipation, and is safe for children to use for this purpose.
It is soothing in diarrhoea, is astringent and helps ease flatulence.
Australian Customers: please note that we've had an experience of a product being confiscated by the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service for containing Slippery Elm Bark.